Rich Pond Baptist Church
We Exist to Glorify God & Make Disciples
200 Brad Ave Bowling Green, KY
Worship is about giving God glory because of who He is and what He has done in Christ. At Rich Pond, we believe that worship involves every corridor of our lives. The way we work, serve, preach, attend mission trips, play ball, raise our kids, or even show hospitality are each acts of worship for the Lord.
Every week we gather to encourage one another by singing songs that are centered on God and the gospel. We gather to be equipped by the preaching and teaching of God’s word. These scheduled times of congregational worship should then motivate us towards faithfulness as we scatter to proclaim the “good news” out in the world.
with passion
Worship at Rich Pond .....
I am gathering with God's people to worship & hear the Gospel proclaimed.
I am faithfully serving in at least one ministry of Rich Pond Baptist Church
Worship Gatherings
Sundays 8:30 & 11:00
Congregational Worship
Facebook Live Stream 8:30 am
Wednesdays 6:00 pm
RP Kids
RPBC Students
Women's Prayer Study
Psalm Study
Sunday Morning Worship
During our Sunday morning gatherings at Rich Pond we seek to encourage the body of Christ through expositional preaching, praying, scripture reading, and congregational singing. We draw upon many different styles of music from the past and present to remember the gospel of Jesus Christ.